Photo: Placeholder graphic of a person's silhouette

Mariana Sabino Salazar
Research  |  2021-22


Fulbright US Student Research Award recipient

Research Project Title: "The Gypsy Archetype in Brazilian Popular Culture 1950-1980"

Mariana Sabino Salazar received the Fulbright Award to carry out her dissertation research in Brazil. Mariana is currently serves as the LAII Director of Undergraduate Studies at UNM. Dr. Sabino Salazar was born and raised in Cholula, México, and migrated to the United States as a young adult. For the past 12 years, she has studied the history of Romani people in Latin America, their portrayal as Gypsies in popular culture, and the Romanies' self-representation in literature and film. Mariana's research relates to Brazil, Portugal, and Mexico, but she is also interested in Argentina, Cuba, and Spain. Her academic history is eclectic: she holds a B.S. in Economics from Universidad Iberoamericana, an M.A. in Latin American History from Benemerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Iberian and Latin American Literature and Culture from the University of Texas at Austin.