Santiago Cabrera
Dr. Santiago Cabrera is a Professor and Researcher at the National Technological University, Santa Fe Regional Faculty (UTN FRSF) in Argentina. He currently serves as co-director of the Research and Development Group in Earth Construction Techniques at the same university and is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina.
During the months of January, February, and March 2025, thanks to the funding of a Fulbright Scholarship, he will conduct part of his postdoctoral research at the School of Architecture and Planning at UNM, under the supervision of Professor Francisco Uviña Contreras. His goal is to deepen his understanding of the production process, and the physical and mechanical properties of adobe and compressed earth blocks (CEB) produced in the state of New Mexico (USA), comparing them with their counterparts produced in Argentina. This research aims to propose improvements that will allow the development of a productive model for earth masonry units that is technically, socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable and replicable throughout Argentina.